Olga Aftimichuk
- MOJ Sports Medicine
- State University of Physical Education and Sports
- Moldova
Research Interest
Professional training, communicative activity, rhythm, physical culture, sport, fitness
Olga Aftimichuk is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Chair of Gymnastics of the State University of Physical Education and Sports of Republic of Moldova. After residency training the State Pedagogical University in Chisinau, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, she was a coach in rhythmic gymnastics at the Republican Sports School of the Olympic Reserve. After receiving Doctors Degree in Pedagogical Sciences, she wrote the Dissertation of Doctor Habilitat. She prepared four doctors of science from Moldova and Romania. She is engaged in research in the field of recreational and recovery physical training, fitness, sports training, professional training of teaching staff in the field of physical culture and sports in the aspect of the regularities of the organization of Rhythm of their professional activities. She is the director of two scientific institutional projects from the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. She is theinitiator and organizerofthe scientific conference The problemsofacmeologyinthe fieldofphysical culture andEditor-in-chief ofthe CollectionofConferencematerials. She is theauthoror co-authorof more than280 scientificpublications. She tookpart in scientificinternationalconferencesin Moldova, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia; she conducted master classes on the problems of forming the rhythm of professional activity and of integrative (auditory-verbal-visual-motor) coordination. She is the Memberof theBoard scientific and theoretical journalSlobozhanskyi herald of science and sport, Kharkov, Ukraine; the Member of the International Association of Sport Kinetics, Warsaw, Poland.