Imperforate hymen mimicking hematocolpos: A case report and mini review of the literature
- Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal
Nicole-Dimitra Sarantis, Georgios Salvanos, Chrisostomos Sofoudis
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Introduction: An imperforate hymen represents a rare congenital obstructive malformation of the vagina associated with hematocolpos (0.1% prevalence). The aim of this case report and mini literature review is to familiarize physicians with the condition and inform regarding prompt diagnosis and management.
Case report: Case of a 16-year-old patient with imperforate hymen complicated by hematocolpos. The patient initially presented at the outpatient clinic with cyclical pelvic pain, primary amenorrhea and a protruding fluid-filled hymen. After thorough evaluation, she underwent hymenotomy and drainage, without complications.
Discussion: A review of current literature regarding imperforate hymen was performed. The search words “imperforate” AND “hymen” were used.
Conclusion: Physicians should become familiar with the condition in order to diagnose and treat it in a timely fashion and with the appropriate technique, on an individualized basis. More evidence is needed regarding long-term outcomes post-hymenotomy/hymenectomy.
Case report: Case of a 16-year-old patient with imperforate hymen complicated by hematocolpos. The patient initially presented at the outpatient clinic with cyclical pelvic pain, primary amenorrhea and a protruding fluid-filled hymen. After thorough evaluation, she underwent hymenotomy and drainage, without complications.
Discussion: A review of current literature regarding imperforate hymen was performed. The search words “imperforate” AND “hymen” were used.
Conclusion: Physicians should become familiar with the condition in order to diagnose and treat it in a timely fashion and with the appropriate technique, on an individualized basis. More evidence is needed regarding long-term outcomes post-hymenotomy/hymenectomy.
imperforate hymen, hematocolpos, hematometrocolpos, hymenotomy, hymenectomy