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Stipulated notched nutritional blueprint of ameliorating ocular health and prolonged healthy vision

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Human eyes is important sensory organ to maintain healthy lifestyle which owned 80% of our sensory inputs by playing a vital role in overall maintaining well-being and healthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, present digitalized era led to deteriorating eye health due to unavoidable and required uses of digital and screen-mediated devices. So, the risk of eye diseases is tangential soared due to various age-related ocular pathogenesis e.g. hypertension, thyroid problems, menopause and menopause. These ocular diseases are reported ophthalmic pathogenesis like macular degeneration, diabetic cataract, diabetic retinopathy, preterm birth retinopathy, lazy eyes, nyctalopia, xanthopsia, xerophthalmia, ocular surface diseases (OSD), dysfunctional tear syndrome (DTS), kerato-conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome and dry eye diseases. So, protecting our eyes is mandatory via opting healthy dietary habits including dry fruits, fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, prescribed vitaminminerals supplements that can be helpful to reduce vision loss. Sufficient dose of vitamin and minerals supplements are considered a good step to improve ocular health. So that, we need to take these supplements under ophthalmologists’ supervision as according to patient health conditions and their family medical history. Hence, this discrete and stipulated review will might be helpful to aware general public about improving healthy eyesight. Furthermore, it will also strengthen their clinical knowledge about the nutritional role of leafy green vegetables, fruits and super foods containing minerals and vitamin supplements to cure our priceless ocular health and maintaining healthy vision. 


macular degeneration, cataract, ocular health, selenium, glaucoma, healthy vision
