Pauline concept of sowing and reaping in Galatians chapter 6: 7-8 and its implication for comtemporary church
- Arts & Humanities Open Access Journal
Daramola Yetunde Bamidele, Olalekan Afolorunso Dairo, Fortunatus Godwin Alibi, Julius O Ademola
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Certain principles are enshrined into the very fabric of existence and one of such is the principle of sowing and reaping. The concept of sowing and reaping has been with man for so long, though it is known for its agricultural usage. But over the years probably from creation and up till today it has become a concept that was known and understood to be a guide towards action and consequences (what you sow you will reap). However among the 21st century preachers their seems to be some preachers that conceive another views about this concept, to them sowing and reaping is about financial giving reaping, financial prosperity and breakthrough. This seems confusing and a bit difficult to reconcile, is it an addition to former understanding and view or a new view entirely? To this researcher find it difficult to comprehend. Base on this problem stated above, a research was carried out with the aims to try and find also highlighted the likely scriptural meaning of the concept according to Paul in Galatian 6:7&8, attempted to establish the fact that the concept of sowing and reaping is not primarily based on financial giving and prosperity, try to make the text relevant to contemporary situation without losing its original meaning and attempted to identify how applicable the text could be in correcting some unbiblical notion about the text. The purposes highlighted above were achieved by adopting exegetical method of analysis, using primary sources and tools such as lexicon, bible commentary, English bible, Greek bible and Greek textbooks. The study revealed that the original language is weightier than the translated versions, that there are misinterpretations of the intended meaning of the text. This seems to be the reason for the wrong usages. It reveals that the concept of sowing and reaping according to Paul in Galatian 6:7&8 is more of a warning towards individual motives and attitude behind ones action towards the things of God, Pastors and fellow human being, for no one can outsmart God. Wrong teachings were also revealed to have given root to various errors and practices notice in the congregation. Base on this findings it was recommended that for a more thorough job of interpreting the bible application, more than one version of the bible should be consulted, readers and preachers should not be negatively influenced by bias interpretation and the teaching for practical living should be depending strictly on what the scripture means and should not be used to please men or the flesh. Lastly Christian should pray for the pastors and teachers more often than not to avoid errors.
pauline concept, sowing and reaping, galatians chapter 6: 7, contemporary church