Neonatal bacterial suppurative parotitis: a rare cause of bacterial infection in preterm infants
- Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open Access
Mendoza Tascón Luis Alfonso,1 Osorio Ruíz Miguel Ángel,2 Arias Guatibonza Martha Deyfilia,3 Córdoba Mendoza Mariana,4 Córdoba Mendoza Daniela5
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Neonatal suppurative parotitis is a rare entity in the neonatal period, whose etiology is associated with prematurity, dehydration and feeding with an orogastric tube and is mainly caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Objective: To present the case of a 31-week-old preterm infant, fed with an orogastric tube, who at 15 days of age presented bilateral suppurative parotitis, isolating Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant, treated with vancomycin and surgical drainage, with excellent clinical evolution and without complications. Conclusion: Although this entity is rare and has a good prognosis, we propose to monitor neonates with orogastric tube feeding, mainly preterm, in addition to early stimulation of breastfeeding, performing stimulation of the sucking swallowing mechanism in premature infants and neonates with alteration of this, to reduce feeding times through orogastric tube.
neonate, premature infant, supurative parotitis, orogastric tube, Staphylococcus aureus