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Humanizing aging: the role of palliative care

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Introduction: Every year, millions of people around the world face chronic diseases that limit their capabilities and quality of life. In this scenario, palliative care emerges as an essential approach to ensure the well-being and comfort of patients and their families. We, health professionals, often serve clients or family members who need extra health care, whether palliative or not. Given this focus of the topic, we can see that comprehensive care implemented in a specific single demand, thought out in the individual action plan, may not bring numerous benefits to the individual, as well as to the family and social environment. Objective: To analyze the importance of palliative care based on the literature, as it brings a certain comfort to the mind, body, and spirit, and refers us to the humanization of these people who have already had a historical burden of experience, providing them with respect and integrity, in such a way that one of the central topics that we will address in the article is the simple fact of aging with health and respect in today’s society. Material and method: This is a literature review, the search was carried out in the SCIELO and LATINDEX databases for articles available in full in Portuguese, published between 2020 and 2025, totaling 7 articles. Results and discussion: When we talk about palliative care, the idea refers us to terminal patients, but this is not always the idea, and when outlining a plan to provide visibility to these people, we, as the multidisciplinary team composed entirely to provide care to these people, must implement measures for comfort and health recovery. The aging process has become a significant challenge in today’s society, as individuals may have spent their youth without thinking about the days ahead, as their late concern can cause a series of recurring obstacles such as the emergence of chronic diseases and non-conformities, which can lead to the loss of a certain degree of autonomy in their lives, which can lead to psychosomatic illnesses or disorders that have led to a life ruled by medication and treatments. As aging approaches, it is ideal for human beings to rethink their lifestyle habits. Final considerations: In short, palliative care represents a significant advance in healthcare for the elderly, providing quality of life and well-being to patients and their families. The humanization of care, the appreciation of life and respect for individuality are fundamental principles of this approach. However, there are still challenges to be overcome, such as the scarcity of resources and the need for greater qualification of health professionals. It is essential that society as a whole recognizes the importance of palliative care and engages in the construction of a more humanized and welcoming health system


nursing, palliative care, humanization, aging
