Effect of two hydrocolloids (carob and guar gums) on physicochemical and textural properties of tortillas, fresch and subjected to refrigeration and freezing
- MOJ Food Processing & Technology
Victoria Salinas G,1 Vélez Ruiz JF2
Tortilla, an important Mexican food item, is consumed normally in fresh stage in which both, softness and flexibility are important attributes. To know the effect of two gums on characteristics of tortilla, this food was prepared by standardization of the elaboration process by using nixtamalized corn flour. Several systems or tortilla types were prepared, the control and added with gums at different concentration. Physicochemical properties (color, moisture, and pH), as well as texture characteristics (puncture, firmness, and extensibility) were measured in fresh form, and also after six day of storage in refrigeration, and three weeks in freezing conditions. Color and pH were stable, whereas moisture increased with gum addition. Low temperatures generated a higher loss of water and rigidity in the control system than those determined with gum incorporation. Based on overall texture of tortillas, the guar gum had a better effect on it than carob gum, and consequently the effect of gum blends was better. In general, puncture, firmness, and rigidity forces augmented lightly through storage at low temperatures, and the conclusion is that the effect of gum blends on tortilla texture is positive and better that the effect of simple gums, without affecting other physicochemical properties of tortillas.
hydrocolloids, tortillas, refrigeration freezing