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Perception of students on adaptive learning technologies in the faculty of education, university of Port Harcourt: impact and challenges

Sociology International Journal
Abe Ezinne Chidinma,1 Kasumu Rebecca Yinka2

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Adaptive learning technologies refer to educational tools and systems that use advanced algorithms, data analytics, and artificial intelligence to tailor instruction and content to the individual needs and learning preferences of each student. The study is a descriptive survey research, designed to investigate Perception of Students on Adaptive learning technologies: Impact and Challenges. The population of the study is 102 year one students in the department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt and 118 year one students from the department of curriculum studies and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt. A sample of 70 students was used for the study. A stratified sampling technique was used for the study. A structured questionnaire was used for the study. Face and content validity was applied. Reliability coefficient of 0.74 was obtained. Mean and Z-test was used for the study. It was found that found that adaptive learning technologies provide instant feedback to students on their performance, helping them identify areas of strength and weakness. It was also found that adaptive technologies adapt content delivery to reinforce weaker areas, promoting a more thorough understanding of concepts; adaptive learning can lead to more efficient learning experiences. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended that to introduce instructors and students to adaptive learning technology, the Faculty of Education should host seminars, workshops, and orientation sessions. This will improve their comprehension of the advantages and efficient use of these technologies. 


adaptive learning, pedagogical approaches, artificial intelligence, customized learning resources, personalization, data analytics, adaptive assessment
