Precision & longitudinal measurements of G-D’s physics UNCIARE-JRH critical prediction validate it as the new twenty-first physics paradigm!
- Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal
Jehonathan Bentovish
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Twenty-First Century Theoretical Physics is undergoing a major “Paradigmatic-Shift” from the Old “Material-Causal Random” (MCR) Paradigm underlying both GRT & QM, to the New “Computational Unified Field Theory” (CUFT, also recently termed: “G-D’s Physics”) based on its proven capacity to: a) resolve the (apparent) “theoreticalinconsistency” between these two GRT & QM “pillars” of the Old MCR Paradigm; and b) offer an alternative (satisfactory) explanation for the accelerated expansion of the physical universe (e.g., to MCR’s purely hypothetical assumption of a “Dark-Matter” concept which could not experimentally verified for the past two full decades?!) The CUFT’s alternative explanation of the universe’s expansion is based on the discovery of: a singular higherordered “Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle” (UCP) that simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels in the universe at an incredible rate of c2/h = 1.36- 50 (sec’!); and the effect of a “Collective Human Consciousness Focus” (CHCF) upon this singular UCP’s produced rate of the universe’s expansion (e.g., during the “Jewish Rosh Hashanah” [JRH] two days’ CHCF), which brings about an “Minute Annual Increase” (MAI)* in the UCP’s computed rate of the universe’s expansion! Significantly, two (unique) “Critical Predictions” of the CUFT are being validated as more accurate than the corresponding predictions of GRT & QM, thereby leading to the (unequivocal) acceptance of the CUFT as the New Scientific Paradigm (NSP) for Twenty-First Century Physics – including the empirical validation of the CUFT’s “Universe’s Non-Continuous Increase in its Accelerated Rate of Expansion” at the “JRH” (UNCIARE-JRH) unique “Critical Prediction”! Based on these clear empirical validations of two (unique) CUFT’s “Critical Predictions” (as more valid than the corresponding predictions of both GRT & QM), two additional (prospective) CUFT’s Critical Predictions are identified, e.g., pertaining to (further) Precision & Longitudinal Measurements of this UNCIARE-JRH prediction, which would also provide a satisfactory resolution for the (otherwise “unexplained”) “Hubble’s Tension” Enigma!
critical predictions, validation, revolutions