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Logotherapy as a means to find meaning to life in education, an experience from the normal school


The research is framed within the Escuela Normal Experimental de San Antonio Matute in the municipality of Ameca, Jalisco, and within the experience of 20 years as a teacher in front of a group, it has been realized that the students of the different semesters with whom we have worked, not only in this institution but in the others in which we have participated, do not have clear what their life project will be during their stay in their formative stage and once it is concluded. In this way, we helped the students to have a clear idea of their purpose in studying this formative path. The institution was helped to reduce the rates of disapproval or desertion because, by having a clear idea of their goals, they were motivated to complete it. It had an impact on the reduction of social problems in the community by helping students and graduates understand the meaning of the stage they are living, preventing them from being diverted by other social or public health problems such as alcoholism or drug addiction.


Logotherapy, Freudian sexual drive, human being, informal dialogues
