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TPM project for remedying weft distortions in a textile mill

Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology
Hikmet Ziya Ozek,1 Duygu Yavuzkasap Ayakta2


This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the Occurrence of weft distortions in woven fabric is a typical quality problem which seriously impairs the use of the cloth. The consecutive weft yarns are supposed to be placed parallel to each other and also perpendicular to the edges of the fabric. In any cases that this placement is disturbed for some reasons, the appearance of weft yarns as straight lines are deformed. In this paper, a TPM implementation in a large scale worsted fabric mill is conducted with an aim to remedying weft distortions like skewness or bowing. Such quality problems and irregularities become much more apparent in the cases of plaid and plain striped fabrics. A TPM team was organized with a mission of eliminating this quality problem and analyzed the machinery and operations along the whole production cycle within the departments of weaving preparation, weaving and finishing. The most common reason for such defects may be an uneven distribution of tension along the cloth width during dyeing or finishing processes. Irregular treating and handling during scouring, dyeing or finishing might also cause or enhance the occurrence bowing or skewing. Rectifying the tension settings on processing machines along with malfunctioning equipment detected during TPM inspections enabled to rectify these defects. The OEE score of 66% was increased to 79% after the TPM implementation.


bowing, selvedge, skewness, TPM, weft distortions, worsted fabric
