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Multimodal cerebral perfusion monitoring, use at the patient’s bedside

Hospice & Palliative Medicine International Journal
María Camila Valencia Mendoza,1 Dormar David Barrios Martínez2,3,4,5


The human brain is the organ that consumes the most oxygen in the basal state, when presenting a decrease in oxygen supply, physiological mechanisms are activated to preserve this supply and thus avoid permanent brain injuries. When a brain injury of any cause occurs, it is essential to carry out a correct diagnosis and monitoring, to establish early and effective therapeutic actions to reduce secondary organic damage, seeking to improve the prognosis of patients with severe neurological injuries. Next, a review of the physiology of cerebral metabolism and multimodal perfusion monitoring techniques, measurement of cerebral metabolism and its correct interpretation is carried out.


brain, brain metabolism, brain monitoring, neurocritical care, neuroprotection
