Managerial competencies determining organizational strategic orientation in micro and small enterprises
- Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal
Alcides Barrichello,1 Fábio Rogério de Moraes,2 Glícia Maria Dias de Freitas2
Objective: The research identified which and how the managerial skills perceived by managers of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) impact the strategic orientation. Method: The theoretical model of relationships between managerial competencies of managers and strategic orientation used in MSEs was evaluated with data collected through a questionnaire (Likert scale) and analyzed by structural equation modeling. Results: It was identified that in MSEs, there are specific relationships between specific models of managerial competencies that better support internal or external strategic guidelines, which is different from the researched literature. This indicates that managers’ managerial competence models have a simultaneous influence on orientation strategies in internal and external organizations. Theoretical/methodological contributions: The theoretical contribution is in the business context (MPEs), in which the research results reveal the specificity of relationships between the guidelines of strategies and specific models of managerial competencies; the methodological contribution emerges from a model of competencies and strategic orientations (hypotheses), which can be tested in other business environments, provided that the focus is on managerial competences and strategic orientations. Relevance/originality: The study made it possible to identify which and how the impact of managerial competencies is in the internal and external strategic orientation in MSE’s. Management contributions: Identifying the relationships between managers’ competencies and the strategic orientation of MSE’s brings a managerial contribution, as it allows the identification of behavior patterns and necessary competencies on the part of the leader to develop appropriate strategies for the company and the market.
strategic orientation, management competencies, micro and small enterprises