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Genetically modified organisms and Danish opinion

Journal of Human Virology & Retrovirology
Lubna Khatoon, Gustav Otto Pettersson, June Andersson, Matteo Laop Olsen

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After its creation planet earth has been inhabited by countless species but only Homo Sapiens have been able to exploit it and have the most impact on this planet. Advancement in technology has led to the creation of genetically modified organisms (GMO). The purpose of this study was to collect data about the knowledge and consumption of GMOs among Danish youth. This study was carried out at European School where an anonymous e-survey was filled by students and teachers, and this showed that to their opinion regarding consumption and production of GMOs. Results of the survey show that approx. 31% of the youngsters have shown concerns on the use of GMOs and 40% think more research work is needed while only 8.2 % support the idea of banning GMOs. Our results clearly depict that teenagers are open to new technologies, but older generations need to be educated about the concept.


genetically modified organisms, consumption, selective breeding, scepticism
