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Mapping the greater southeast Asia, the core part of Asia-Pacific or Indo-Pacific: India’s position in it


International politics is inherently more unstable than national politics, and it has been constantly evolving. Unlike national politics, which often follows more predictable patterns, the dynamics of international relations do not operate through simple, onedimensional causes. Long-term, fixed policies are unsustainable in the global arena, as alliances and rivalries are fluid; there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies. As we enter the 21st century, international politics has entered a new phase, one that cannot be fully explained by past events. After the Cold War, the center of global political power shifted from Europe to the Asia-Pacific, and more specifically to the Indo-Pacific region. This shift marks what could be called the “Asian Century” or, more precisely, the “IndoPacific Century,” reflecting the growing influence of powerful nations such as China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, India, and ASEAN countries.  


Asian century, Asia-Pacific, Indo-Pacific, Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, look east policy, act east policy
