Clinical and social aspects of periprotesis infections of the knee and hip joint
- Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open Access
Ivantsou UA,<sup>1</sup>
Ivantsou AU<sup>2</sup>
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The article presents information about the results of treatment of periprosthetic infection, so from 122 treated patients 67 were operated, 35 (28,7%) implanted prostheses were removed: 16 - of the hip joint and 19 - of the knee joint. Infection of the hip joint endoprosthesis was revealed in 88 (72,13%) patients, of the knee joint - in 34 (27,87%) According to the results of microbiological studies of the wound secretion, the growth of Staphylococcus aureus was obtained in more than 50% of cases. The frequency of associated somatic pathology and repeated hospitalizations is presented.
periprosthetic infection, joint, microorganism