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The efficacy of two wavelengths in the Endolifting® technique - case study

Journal of Dermatology & Cosmetology
Layla Dias,1 Carin Bogado,2 Zhao Fengdan3

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Objective: To present the effectiveness of the Endolifting® technique, also known as Endolaser, using a high-power diode laser with dual wavelengths of 980nm and 1470nm. Work based on an extensive review of the literature and illustrated by two clinical cases. The aim of this type of treatment is to reduce subcutaneous fat while toning the skin through neocollagenesis, offering a non-surgical alternative for both facial and body remodeling. Case report: We present the use of the Endolifting® technique with a dual-wavelength diode laser for facial and body remodeling aimed at weight loss with concomitant tissue toning. Two patients, a man 43 years and a woman 37 years, complaining of localized fat and sagging were treated with laser Endolifting® respectively, in the jowl and abdomen areas, both underwent just one treatment session and returned for follow-up with an interval of 60 days between sessions. After the treatment, a more balanced and rejuvenated facial profile and a slimmer, more defined abdomen were observed. Both patients reported great satisfaction with the results. Conclusion: This case report, based on scientific literature, confirms the Endolifting® technique using the dual wavelength diode laser 980 and 1470nm for the reduction of both facial and body fat, proving to be an excellent alternative due to its effectiveness, safety, minimum recovery time, low cost and reproducibility.


Endolifting®, endolaser, laser lipólisis laser de diodo, endolifit
