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Structural intelligence and strategies for environmental conservation in Brazil: a case study of Serra do Gandarela National Park

MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Lucimar de Carvalho Medeiros,<sup>1</sup> Daniel Augusto Rodrigues Barreto,<sup>1</sup> Nilson Viana Gomes,<sup>2</sup> Marcelo Antonio Nero,<sup>1</sup> Heuryson Ferreira Araújo<sup>1</sup>

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The Serra do Gandarela National Park, a Fully Protected Area established in Brazil by Law No. 9,985 of July 18, 2014,15 faces increasing anthropogenic pressures that threaten its biodiversity. This research uses structural intelligence techniques through the use of Landscape Ecology metrics, including the Fragstats 30 software and Mapbiomas data 29 , to diagnose these pressures and suggest sustainable alternatives, such as ecotourism. The objectives of this work were to diagnose, through Landscape Ecology metrics and tools, the anthropogenic pressures that the Serra do Gandarela National Park has suffered in relation to its biodiversity, to propose solutions and stimulate studies for the scientific community on the pressures identified from the engagement of stakeholders, namely: the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Minas Gerais, the government of the State of Minas Gerais, society in general, among others. The aim is to support the academic community, government officials, other stakeholders and society in general in carrying out studies on the potential for ecotourism in the park’s surroundings and for community-based tourism as an alternative to mineral exploration. Tools such as Fragstats (version 4.2) 30 , maps and information from Mapbiomas 29 were used for the methodology. Guidelines from the Stakeholder Engagement Handbook (BiodivERSA, 2014) 31 were also used to identify and categorize stakeholders. It was concluded that the study area is undergoing an ongoing process of anthropization with a significant increase in anthropized areas, especially urbanized and mined areas. Thus, this conclusion is of great importance in guiding public policies and engaging society and managers in community tourism and conservation practices.


serra do gandarela national park, diagnosis, stakeholders, metrics
