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Landau vs Einstein: mathematics represents the universe

Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal
Victoria Alexandrovna Kuzmicheva,<sup>1</sup> Valery Borisovich Morozov,<sup>2</sup> Ricardo Gobato<sup>3</sup>


The modern theory of gravity is the Einstein space theory, which is described by mathematical methods of tensor analysis of Riemannian geometry. Einstein built on this basis one of the most successful and amazing theories. Complexity theories often lead to the extraction of foundations and, as is customary in theory, to obtaining meaningless results. Now the entire intellectual power of numerous researchers is directed at alternative theories, often based on erroneous ideas about Einstein’s theory. An example of this is the catastrophic error in the definition of the coordinate transformation in the top manual on theoretical physics by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz.


Landau, Lifshitz, Einstein, coordinate transformation, covariant tensor, transformations
