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Confronting indifference as a priority of active university formation

Open Access Journal of Science
Freddy Varona-Domínguez

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This is a theoretical work. In it, some theoretical considerations about indifference are developed, among them, the social and historical causes of its increase in the current world, as well as regarding the statement that indifference is growing. Regarding this aspect, it is pointed out that it does not mean that all people are indifferent, but rather that every day the number of people who only attend to their own affairs and ignore those of others increases. It is pointed out that this phenomenon has among its causes, as can be seen with the naked eye, that the universe of interests of many people tends to narrow and they only care about what is part of said universe. In this work it is emphasized that in confronting indifference, the university can play a valuable role, which can be carried out in many ways, one of which is active university formation. With this modality, the enthusiastic and diligent participation of students in learning is emphasized. It is also highlighted that in the process of active university formation, dialogues and the development of students’ critical thinking are important. The objective of this work is to highlight some of the possibilities that active university formation has to confront indifference. For its development, a current and varied bibliography was consulted.


Indifference, postmodern society, individualism, active university formation, critical thinking
