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Chaotic attractors in cancer and epidemic models: insights from predator-prey interactions

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The current study, in conjunction with an examination of existing literature, demonstrates that the emergence of chaotic behavior is predominantly attributed to interactions between predators and prey, as well as competitive dynamics. Similar patterns have been observed in the context of pandemics and cancer models, where deterministic chaos or chaotic dynamics result in complex oscillations and nonlinear interactions among cell populations. It is notable that the current pandemic exhibits key characteristics of a chaotic system and is recognized as one of the deadliest pandemics in contemporary history. This study presents an analysis of a dynamical model of an ecosystem comprising one predator and three prey species, one of them is sick, one is healthy and one is immune. The findings indicate that variations in the reproduction rates of healthy prey and predator-prey interactions induce chaotic dynamic transients, which manifest as damped oscillations over extended periods. Upon monitoring the disease infectivity parameter (R) over time, a rapid decline in the healthy prey population is observed within days. In contrast, the infected prey population demonstrates a damped oscillatory growth and decay pattern, indicating that the predator consumes both healthy and infected prey. Over extended periods, all variables exhibit a tendency towards equilibrium. Phase portrait diagrams, generated using 3-D and 2-D representations with varied reproduction rates of healthy prey (parameter a) and disease infectivity (parameter R), reveal the existence of stable points, unstable points, saddle points, and bifurcation diagrams. The equilibrium points demonstrate characteristics of chaotic attractors. The chaotic propagation of a pandemic is highly sensitive to minor variations in the initial conditions (ICs) of physical factors. Mathematical models serve as crucial tools for devising strategic action plans to control epidemics and pandemics, offering real-time data for effective outbreak management. This research holds significant implications for ecological dynamics and disease modeling, with practical applications in public health and epidemiology.


The chaotic dynamics, prey-predator interaction, time series, phase portraits diagrams, bifurcation diagram, Lyapunov exponents.
