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Perception about community-based rehabilitation among the chronic stroke patients

Journal of Neurology & Stroke
Kamrun Nahar Chowdhury,<sup>1</sup> Md. Mahbubur Rahman,<sup>2</sup> Fazle Noor Biswas,<sup>3</sup> Md. Saddam Hossain<sup>4</sup>

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Background: Community based Rehabilitation for chronic stroke survivor is a new concept in Bangladesh. Thus, the perception of the service needs to be explored. The aim of the study is to explore the perception of people with chronic stroke about Communitybased rehabilitation. Methodology: This was a qualitative phenomenological study. A total of 8 chronic stroke survivors receiving CBR responded to the in-depth interview. Data was analyzed by thematic analysis. Result: Seven categories have been emerged on perceived healthcare prior to stroke, knowledge about community-based rehabilitation, knowledge about physiotherapy, attachment to CBR workforce, benefits of CBR, rehabilitation impacts, and CBR applicability and acceptance. the themes were community care clients had an experience of a minimum healthcare facilities followed by their incidence of stroke, community care clients and their family or society has no idea about CBR, community care clients have insufficient knowledge about physiotherapy or rehabilitation, community care clients and their families have a close attachment with CBR workers, chronic stroke clients in the community are largely benefited by CBR program, rehabilitation impacts the chronic stroke clients personal and social life and community care clients accepts CBR as charity. Conclusion: The Chronic Stroke patients receiving community-based rehabilitation near Dhaka city have a positive perception of the service. They somehow believe their burden can be resolved if the service continues yet don’t believe they can integrate into the mainstream society.


cbr, stroke, perception, Bangladesh
