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The clowns of I am with him vs. the clowns of I am with her

Sociology International Journal
Paul C Mocombe 

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In this work, using Mocombe’s structurationist theory of phenomenological tructuralism, I argue that the supporters of Donald Trump (the clowns of I am with him) and those of Kamala Harris (the clowns of I am with her) are representatives of a uniparty in American politics created by their relations to two distinct modes of capitalist production (industrial and postindustrial production) and the rentier oligarchical class in control of the political economy of the American nation-state. Be that as it may, the differences of the supporters are ideologies associated with the differentiating modes of production and their ideological apparatuses, which will ultimately undergo superstructural changes to support the postindustrial mode of production, as opposed to any substantive differences, which warrants two distinct political parties representing a left and right politics on the political spectrum. 


ideological domination, intersectionality, embourgeoisement, black underclass, black bourgeoisie, social class language game, dialectic, antidialectic
