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Retroperitoneal solitary fibrous tumor: case report

MOJ Surgery
Francisco Loes, Carlos Horacio Vargas Urzagaste, Lucas Torelly Filippi, Fernanda Coutinho Kubaski, Luana Oliveira Jost, Daniele Marchet Sallaberry, Eduardo Bassi, Cassandra Queiroz Cavalcante Fernandes, Rene de Figueiredo Sea Berindoague, Vinicius Candelore Trench, Rodney Frederico Sillmann, Suelaine Assumpção Côrtes, Isabela Lima Oliveira Sarmento, Jorge Guillermo Arzabe Zenteno, Marco Aurélio Palmas de Carvalho, Marcela Barbosa Condé, Mariana Letícia de Bastos Maximiano


In this, a reported case is presented of a young heathy woman, who incidentally figured out a tumor four months after undergoing a computed tomography scan following a hysterectomy for a benign cause. This huge tumour is very rare and its frequently present in pleural tissues, the main treatment is resection and if the resection is R0 it would have good prognostic. A solitary fibrous tumor is a rare neoplasm of mesenchymal origin that has not been extensively studied, resulting in a limited number of articles on the topic.


surgery, hysterectomy, fibroids
