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Morphological changes of the upper maxilla produced by the hyrax type circuit breaker in early age: case report

MOJ Orthopedics & Rheumatology
Johanna Valdez, Guillermo De Vicente  


The case report of a 11 years old boy, with transversal micrognathism is described, who attended the “Agustín Hombach” Dental Clinic at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Campus of UNICAH, Tegucigalpa Honduras due to having crowded upper incisors, so It was decided to use the Hyrax expansion screw, with which it was possible to improve the patient’s facial aesthetics and smile. This is an effective therapeutic procedure, as it allows a rapid widening of the airways, bone bases of the jaw, while increasing the length of the dental arch and the space necessary for the alignment of the teeth


mandibular retrognathism, hyrax type brace, palatal expansion technique, compressed airways
