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Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) as a medicinal plant with antibacterial activities

MOJ Food Processing & Technology
Oleksandr Lukash,1 Vitalii Morskyi,1 Natalia Kurhaluk,2 Halina Tkaczenko2


Of the two species of the genus Robinia, which are native to North America and introduced in Polesie, Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) is traditionally used as a medicinal, technical and food plant. One of the least covered aspects of using Black Locust is making jam from the flowers of this plant. The aim of our study is to report the modern Black Locust use to make jam by local residents of Polesie. Sociological survey of the 250 adult local inhabitants on the use of Robinia pseudoacacia was conducted. The Black Locust syrup in Polesie is used as an effective antispasmodic, expectorant, diuretic, choleretic, sedative, hemostatic, antipyretic, laxative, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory and healing agent. The Black Locust flowers is perfect as an antipyretic, and also for the prevention of diseases of the lungs and bronchi, and also as an effective antispasmodic, that is, for spasms of internal organs or muscles. The article presents recipes of local residents of Polissia for making the Black Locust flowers jams, namely: Black Locust jam with apple juice, Black Locust jam with grape juice, Black Locust jam with honey, transparent Black Locust jam with white wine. Black Locust jams are not only tasty national products, but also have beneficial properties for human health. The claims of the Polesie local residents about the Black Locust flower products antibacterial action are not unfounded: scientific publications provide facts about the bactericidal effect of Robinia pseudoacacia flower extracts. The conducted research encourages further research into the properties of Black Locust as a potential raw material for use in the production of food products, as well as cosmetology and medical use.


antibacterial properties, black locust flowers, green infrastructure, Polesie, Robinia pseudoacacia L., jam
