Evaluating hydrologist specialist suitability applying the Holland’s RIASEC model using FIKR (facet, insight, knowledge, and resilience) profiling assessment tool
- International Journal of Hydrology
Chee Kong Yap,1 Chee Seng Leow,2 Wing Sum Vincent Leong2
This study applies Holland’s RIASEC model using FIKR (facet, insight, knowledge, and resilience) profiling assessment tool to evaluate the suitability of individuals for hydrologist specialist roles by focusing on the Investigative (I) and Realistic (R) traits, which are crucial for success in this field. The research analyzed data from 250 respondents to identify those with the highest alignment for hydrology careers, particularly regarding their analytical and practical abilities. The study found that only one individual possessed the ideal combination of high I and R scores with a lower Conventional (C) score, indicating strong potential for success in Hydrology. Additionally, 24 other individuals demonstrated high I and R traits but also exhibited high C scores, suggesting they may be better suited for roles that require a balance between investigative tasks and structured environments. These findings underscore the need for a comprehensive assessment of multiple RIASEC traits, a crucial strategy for ensuring proper career alignment and job satisfaction in environmental science roles.
Holland’s RIASEC model, hydrologist suitability, investigative traits, environmental career alignment