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Hospital morbidity and mortality from epilepsy in a large latin american country

Journal of Neurology & Stroke
Beatriz Fontenelle Costa, Ana Carolina Ribeiro de Araujo e Araujo, José Alberto Pereira Pires, Jacira do Nascimento Serra, Maria Hilda Araújo Ribeiro, Aeriberto Carlos Lindoso de Souza, Laiany Caroline dos Santos Silva, Gleydstone Teixeira Almeida, Patrícia Milena Souza Vinent, Jussara Pinheiro Brito, Mirlane Pereira Soares, Consuelo Penha Castro Marques

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Objective:This study aimed to study the epidemiological profile of hospital morbidity and mortality from epilepsy in Brazil from 2017 to 2021. Methods: An epidemiological time series study of the Ecological descriptive type was carried out with data coming from the SUS Information System. The data were expressed through graphs and tables and presented in absolute numbers and frequencies and also exposing the descriptive statistics, mean standard deviation and coefficient of variation. As this is a study with secondary data from official and public databases, this work does not require approval by a research ethics committee. Results: There were 263988 hospitalizations for epilepsy in Brazil, n=6484 deaths. The Southeast region had the highest prevalence with n=107416 hospitalizations, followed by the Northeast (n=64902) and South (n=55106). Most affected sex: male (58%). Race: more common in browns (39,33%) and whites (32,63%). Age groups with the most hospitalizations: 1 to 4 years (17%); 40-49 years and 50-59 years – 10% each. Hospitalization expenses: R$ 223443589,70. Conclusion: Given these results that demonstrate a large number of hospitalizations and the presence of hospital deaths, it is hoped that these data will be used to support improvements in public health policies to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease, reducing sequelae and expenses, and, always as possible, avoiding deaths.


epilepsy, epidemiology, morbimortality, brazil
