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Organic and synthetic cement slurry retarding additives for oil well cementing operations: a review

International Journal of Petrochemical Science & Engineering
Ibifuro A,1 Akuma O,2 Joel F. O,3 Tonye O. E2


Cementing operations within the context of crude oil production represent a crucial facet of the oil well completion process. However, a significant challenge encountered in high-temperature and high-pressure wells is that the cement slurry exhibits a reduced thickening time, demanding careful consideration and tailored solutions. As a result, the integration of chemical additives, in this case, retarders, becomes essential to tailor the behavior of the cement slurry to these good conditions. Over the years, different types of retarders that are applied to delay the thickening time of cement slurries to allow for more operational time during cementing activities have been developed and applied as oilfield chemicals. This review paper, using secondary data sources from academic journals, conference papers, textbooks, and unpublished studies from recognized websites, has categorized the different types of retarders into two broad classes: organic and synthetic retarders. The proposed theories involved in the mechanism of the cement slurry retardation process were elucidated. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of these retarders, the differences between the two categories, and the summary of the behaviors were stated. Although synthetic retarders are preferred in cement operations because they give predictable accuracy from time to time, however, because of strict environmental requirements in the oil and gas industry, organic retarders are encouraged as alternatives.


retarders, cement-slurry, organic, synthetic, thickening time, cementing
