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Professor Vernon M Neppe

Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute

Research Interest

Dr Neppe's pioneering work with adjunctive anticonvulsants in the early 1980s in psychiatry and later on with dyscontrol,  have impacted the lives of millions of people. He developed a  successful treatment for the previously incurable condition of  tardive dyskinesia using high-dose buspirone (see e.g., www.pni.org). He has described four new medical conditions, invented about a hundred new terms and suggested three major new classifications. He has developed more than thirty neuropsychiatric and psychiatric evaluations, tests and historical screens in neuropsychiatry and consciousness research. He has pioneered several new theoretical concepts in his disciplines. Additionally, he pioneered the links of brain function and subjective experience, is the world authority on déjà vu phenomena, and developed Phenomenology in the Neuroscience and Consciousness contexts. Some of  his research in Physics, Mathematics, Consciousness and Dimensional Biopsychophysics is discussed on the Vernon Neppe Research Site(www.VernonNeppe.com)and www.tdvp.org. The Vernon Neppe Gateway (www.VernonNeppe.org) provides further perspective. In English literature, he defined the literary genre of sciction and developed the 'conversagraph' (see www.brainvoyage.com)


Vernon M Neppe MD, PhD, Fellow Royal Society (SAf), DFAPA, MMed, FFPsych, DPCP(ECAO), DSPE, is Director of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute in Seattle, WA (www.pni.org). He is also Distinguished Professor and Executive Director, The Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization (www.ecao.us) and Director, Human Performance Enhancement Division (HPED) of the World Institute of Scientific Exploration (WISE)(http://instituteforscientificexploration.org/human-performance-enhancement-division/).

Applying peer-reviewed publications, presentations, international honors, medicolegal consultations, and invited lectures as a criterion, he has achieved an international reputation in numerous and diverse disciplines. These include the medical recognitions of being an internationally reputed Behavioral Neurologist, Neuropsychiatrist, Psychopharmacologist, Forensic specialist (Psychiatrist and Neuropsychiatrist) and Psychiatrist. All of the above five disciplines are currently listed under Woodward White's  peer-selected 'America's Top Doctors' where he has been listed in every issue (2001 on).  Dr Neppe has also published internationally in the following disciplines: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, Epileptology, Consciousness Research, Philosophy, Creativity, and Dimensional Biopsychophysics. His CV includes 10+ books (see www.brainvoyage.com), 2 plays, 700+ publications, 1000+ invited lectures and media interactions worldwide(see http://www.vernonneppe.org/about.php and http://www.pni.org/clinical/neppe/). In Consciousness Research, Phenomenology, Epileptology and Neuroscience, his contributions have also been pioneering and prodigious, and he is also is an internationally in demand Professional Speaker, Author and Playwright. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He, was the first USA based MD to be elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (South Africa). He established the first Division of Neuropsychiatry in a USA Psychiatry Department (University of Washington) and then a model institute (Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute —PNI). He led the first USA and International Delegation in Neuropsychiatry and Psychopharmacology. He is originally from South Africa, where he mainly trained. He also completed a Fellowship at Cornell University, New York, thereafter. He has been Editor, Science Editor or Guest Editor of five different peer-reviewed international journals and is on many editorial boards. He has received numerous honors, most recently the prestigious, interdisciplinary, world-wide Whiting Memorial Prize.
