Professor Kartlos Joseph Kachiashvili

- MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences
- Tbilisi State University
- Georgia
Research Interest
Mathematical Statistics; Data Analysis (Environmental, Agricultural and Medical);Mathematical Modeling and Simulation (Environmental Water Pollution); New Computer Technologies Development; System Analysis (Environmental Water Pollution); Computing Mathematics.
Kartlos Joseph Kachiashvili was born 23, December 1950 in city Gurdjaani, Georgia. He was completed school with Gold Medal in 1967. He was completed Georgian Polytechnic Institute in 1972 specialty “Electronic computing Machinery” (Diploma with Honours). In 1977 he was completed post-graduate course at the Moscow Energy Institute, chair of applied mathematics. He has the following scientific degrees: Candidate of Technical Sciences (1978) (Speciality: “Technical Cybernetics and Information Theory”), Doctor of Sciences (1990) (Specialities: “Application of computer science techniques, mathematical simulation and mathematical methods in research” and “Instruments and Methods for controlling the natural environment, substances, materials and goods”). Science 1972 up to day he works in different scientific-research institutes and Universities in Georgia, Russia, Pakistan on the following positions: engineer, scientific worker, chief of laboratory, chief of department, head of National Center, rector, professor. He read the lectures in the Universities: Moscow Energy Institute (Russian Federation), Georgian Technical University (Georgia), Tbilisi State University (Georgia), Tbilisi State University of Economic Relationshipes (Georgia), Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences of GC University Lahore (Pakistan), International Black Sea University (Georgia). Since 1993 He is member of International Academy of Computer Science and Systems. He is secretary-academician of Georgian branch of this Academy. He is member of the Editorial Board of five international scientific journals. He has 198 published scientific works, among them six monographs, three text-books for University students and one brochure.