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Juan Francisco Martinez-Canca

Journal of Neurology & Stroke
University of Malaga

Research Interest

Brain and spinal tumours, both adult and paediatric, as well as spinal surgery with particular emphasis in minimally invasive procedures


Dr Juan F. MARTÍNEZ-CANCA, MD, MRCS qualified as a Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Málaga (Spain) in 1994 and trained as Brain and Spinal Surgeon in London (UK) since 1996 where he gained a National Training Number (NTN) at the South Thames Deanery. He continued to work for the National Health Service (NHS) in The United Kingdom until 2012. He currently works in Spain and has established private practice at several locations in the Middle East and the Caribbean. In addition, he has extended his collaboration with the NHS as a regular locum Neurosurgeon at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford since 2013.

Beside general adult and paediatric neurosurgical practice (neuro-traumatology, neuro intensive care medicine, spinal neurosurgery, neurovascular pathology and peripheral nerve pathology), his clinical and surgical experience is constantly updated through numerous international courses and workshops in operative neurosurgery. His special interest focus is brain and spinal tumours as well as management of brain and spinal injury. His skills in Spinal Surgery have produced a wide number of successful procedures using dynamic and minimally invasive techniques. During the last ten years he has consolidated a Pain Management Clinic (Spain), combining Holistic approach and Electromagnetic technology applied to human physiology with amazing results in the treatment of non-surgical Sciatic pain, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and Musculo-Skeletal pain. He is also Senior Advisor in Neuro-Oncological Hyperthermia and Plasma Regeneration therapy.

Chief Consultant Neurosurgeon at NeuroKonsilia® and NeuroKnosilia Medical Research Institute®, he is currently developing and implementing along with a team of pioneer scientists an innovative Stem Cell therapy (SCT) applied to Multidisciplinary Regenerative Medicine.

Foundational partner at Neurobridge Consulting®, in parallel with his professional activities, he is Consultant in Holistic Medicine and co-founder of the International Holistic Therapy Centre (formerly known as The Centre for Brain Respiration®) based in London and Marbella, entirely funded and supported by charity contributions. This initiative is part of the extended network at The Breathing Group Corporation©.
